our priority: safe soccer
Ensuring member and participant safety is a role Iowa Soccer takes seriously. Our number one focus, as yours should be, is to provide a safe environment for youth players – and with that comes a lot of heavy lifting for club coaches and personnel in the form of required training and education, passing a background check, and tracking/ensuring compliance. As much as these steps help ensure the player is free from emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, they also serve to better equip and protect those working with youth players.
safe sport act: it’s the law
The Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act was signed into law in 2018, designed to protect amateur athletes from sexual abuse. An amateur athlete is any child or minor involved in sports under the age of 18.
The Law has a three-pronged approach:
- Any adult interacting with amateur athletes in the program has a duty to report abuse and or suspected abuse within a 24-hour period. EVERY adult is a mandatory reporter.
- The statute of limitations is extended for up to 10 years after a victim realizes he or she was abused.
- Limits an athlete under the age of 18 from being alone with an adult who is not their parent.

Dan Cataldi
Chief Executive Officer

Casey Betting
Membership Ops. & Compliance Dir.