membership Details
Iowa Soccer is a statewide organization that adult member leagues belong to for a variety of reasons that include player accident and liability insurance, administrative support from Iowa Soccer staff, and access to U.S. Adult Soccer (USASA) member programming. By way of a league’s membership in Iowa Soccer, individuals (players and coaches) also register with and are members of Iowa Soccer and of USASA.
- USASA is the premier national soccer organization dedicated to participation in, enjoyment, and growth of adult soccer across America. USASA is recognized for providing leadership and valued programs, resources, and services to support Iowa Soccer member leagues.
- Region II USASA is the step above state level programming in Iowa and is comprised of 14 USASA member states. The purpose of Region II adult soccer is to promote the game for men and women in the region, and to increase the popularity of our common interest in the game.
Player fees
- Adult Player fee to Iowa Soccer is $30 per player which goes to power benefits like insurance coverage (for individuals and league personnel), fees Iowa Soccer must pay to USASA and U.S. Soccer, and Iowa Soccer support services to member leagues.