League Details
Play Dates SPRING 2025 (subject to change)
- Week 1 – April 5 – 6
- Week 2 – April 12 – 13
- Holiday Weekend (No ISL Games) – April 19 – 20
- Week 3 – April 26 – 27
- Week 4 – May 3 – 4
- Spring Creek Sports Complex (Altoona, Iowa)
- Week 5 – May 10 – 11
- Week 6 – May 17 – 18
- Holiday Weekend (No ISL Games) – May 24 – 25
- Week 7 – May 31 – June 1
Administrative Timeline SPRING 2025 (subject to change)
- Wed. Feb. 12 – Team Registration Open (Stack/Sports Connect)
- Wed. Feb. 26 – Team Registration Close
- TBD – Team Confirmation / Divisional Placement
- TBD – Draft Schedule Review
- Fri. Mar. 21 – Schedule shared with club leadership
- $75 per team league entry fee (billed at start of season)
- User fees (billed at conclusion of season as part of reconciliation process)
- $8 per game assignor fee
- Referee crew per game fees (split between the teams)
- $20 (center Referee only) 8U
- $25 (center Referee only) 10U
- $75 (Center & ARs) for 11U-12U
- $90 (Center & ARs) for 13U-15U
- Field rental fee, if they apply for a scheduled and completed game

Mike Wilson
Member Services Program Manager
Game Day Tools
Venues/Fields status is available on the Stack/Sports Connect league schedule page for Iowa Soccer. After clicking button below, look to the upper right of the page and click “more” and then select “field closures” under that tab..
Follow the instructions below to notify Iowa Soccer of closed venues/fields affecting Iowa Soccer League games for: State League, Rec Central, Rec Northeast, Academy Central
- Name of venue and field(s)
- Date(s) closed
- Affected leagues (State, Central, Northeast, Academy)
- Name of person submitting
Click on location for details
Ray Schwichtenberg (email)
Aliber, Hidden Valley, Norwalk, Urbandale, Walker Johnston
Bonnie Larson (email)
Altoona, Bondurant, SE Polk HS, Indianola
Jerry Headington (email)
Tim Miller (email)
Cedar Valley
Kelly Dunbar (email)
Council Bluffs
Joyce Bartels (email)
Alec Clark (email)
Joe Christiansen (email)
David Abkemeier (email)
Jeff Blanchard (email)
Iowa City/Kickers
Jeremy Cohen (email)
Lakeside Fellowship, North Polk HS & MS, North Polk United
Jason Chesley (email)
Megan Bell (email)
Daniel Lopez (email)
Ottumwa, Oskaloosa
Erick Lopez (email)
Robert Warner (email)
Prairie Ridge/Ankeny
Chad Sparks (email)
Quad Cities
Jonathan Crockett (email)
Tuma/Cedar Rapids, TBK/Bettendorf, Dubuque
Mike Palmer (email)
Waukee, Winterset
Seth Woodcock (email)
General assigning contact
If you do not know who the assignor(s) are in your area, or are unsure where to get games, then use the online form to connect with the IRC
The Iowa Soccer League Rec Northeast takes a common sense approach to getting kids and coaches on the field and from that principle comes the allowance to use “guest players” in a game – so that your team has enough players to play the match as scheduled.
What it is
- This allowance is a tool for coaches to use to ensure they have enough players and/or substitutes at a game so that the game doesn’t have to be rescheduled, thus eliminating the work involved for coaches to reschedule.
- The tool is not a guaranteed answer to all scenarios, or to last-minute changes in player availability, but if planned for and used properly, the allowance should minimize the need to reschedule. In cases where the allowance can’t be applied, coaches are still able to reschedule matches.
- Maximum number of guest players in a match is three.
What it is NOT
- If the team has enough players and substitutes to play a match, the guest player allowance is NOT to be used.
- This allowance is NOT a tool for coaches to use to “stack” a roster with “ringer” type players just because the allowance exists or just because there is room on the team to still be under/within the maximum roster size.
- The tool is NOT to be used to gain a competitive advantage.
Abusing the allowance
- ABUSE of the spirit or the letter of this allowance will not be tolerated and will be dealt with harshly. Iowa Soccer will monitor guest player requests and impose strict penalties in the event a coach or club is found to have been abusing or finding ways around the allowance.
- Do NOT abuse the spirit of the allowance in order to gain a competitive advantage in your game. Abuse of the allowance will result in strict penalties. The allowance’s intent is to help take the burden of rescheduling off volunteer coaches; having up to three additional player options to add to your team so that a match can be played as scheduled is the foundation of the allowance. In the spirit of fair play, the allowance is guided by replacing a “like player” with a “like player” and, only in the event you need guest players.
Rec Northeast matches should be played as scheduled as match days are known in advance of the schedule. However, from a practical standpoint, sometimes an unavoidable situation may come up during the season that necessitate your coach asking your opponent to agree to a reschedule.
In the event your coach seeks a reschedule due to a lack of players:
- The first step a coach should take before making a request of an opponent is to utilize the Rec Northeast’s Guest Player Allowance mechanism. Visit the Guest Player Allowance & Form page for complete details and procedures.
In the event the match must be rescheduled
- STEP ONE: Team coaches or coordinators have contacted each other and agreed upon a date, time, and location to reschedule a match.
- STEP TWO: You must coordinate with field/facility directors and referee assignors to make sure there are no conflicts and referees are assigned to the new match.
- STEP THREE: The agreed-upon date and time must be submitted by the HOME TEAM coach as soon as the change is confirmed and no later than NOON on the Friday before the game.
- Once the league director receives the form (below) the public-facing schedule will be updated.
- Login to your My Account portal by toggling from your club account or directly logging in to the Association product. (https://iowasoccer.sportsaffinity.com/)
- Click on the Teams tab.
- Click on the Tournament & Schedule Apps subtab.
- Click on the Schedules/Game Scoring link.
- A list of your games will appear on the screen. Click the empty box below Score for the respective game.
- A pop-up window will display on the screen. Enter the scores and/or stats for the game.
- Click Save Stats & Comment.
- Scores/Stats will be saved.
In the event of differing information on the Game Cards:
The system will mark the game as “Contested”, C (S) will appear for a contested score and C (C) will appear for a contested card information. At that time, a Tournament/ League Administrator or Referee must enter the correct game information to resolve the conflict.